The Supreme Court temporarily upholds Donald Trump’s travel ban

AMERICA’S federal courts have been nearly unanimous in blocking or limiting Donald Trump’s presidency-long quest to keep refugees and travellers from six Muslim majority nations out of the country. But over the past four months, the Supreme Court—which is set to hear arguments on the legality of the ban on October 10th—has handed Mr Trump three temporary reprieves from his losses in the lower courts. The latest came in the form of a stay by Justice Anthony Kennedy on September 11th.

Even a brief sketch of the litigation over Mr Trump’s ban taxes the layman’s attention span. Here’s a thumbnail version: In June, the justices let the ban go into effect for foreigners and refugees lacking “bona fide” relationships with people or entities in America. In July, after a district court in Hawaii rejected the Trump administration’s narrow interpretation of that ruling—according to which most...Continue reading

Source: United States

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