The justice department says people can be fired for being gay

WHEN the Supreme Court opened marriage laws to gays and lesbians nationwide in June 2015, Barack Obama celebrated by illuminating the White House in the rainbow colours of the gay pride flag. Two years later, such a gesture from the president seems inconceivable. On July 26th, Donald Trump tweeted that transgender soldiers would no longer be allowed to serve in America’s military. On the same day, the Department of Justice (DoJ) unexpectedly took a stance on a case in New York regarding employment discrimination based on sexual orientation. The nation’s civil-rights laws, it said, do not protect people against anti-gay bias in the workplace.

The case, Zarda v Altitude Express, involves a sky-diving instructor who says his sexual orientation cost him his job. In 2010, after Donald Zarda told a female customer he was gay—to lessen...Continue reading

Source: United States

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