A Democrat in a deep red state

MCLENNAN County in Texas witnessed two unusual events on August 21st. The first was a solar eclipse, the second a Democrat running for the Senate—though the county, in sunbaked central Texas, went for Donald Trump by 27 points over Hillary Clinton. Texas may be increasingly diverse (it is 40% Hispanic) but has not elected a Democratic senator in 30 years.

The Democrat was Representative Beto O’Rourke—a rangy, earnest former punk-rock musician, software entrepreneur and congressman for the border town of El Paso. He delivered his message to a crowd at the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame and Museum in Waco. Lots of Democrats see an opportunity in Mr Trump. With each day such partisans are sure that this president will disgust more decent Americans and disappoint the bigots and chumps who still admire him. Angry resistance to such a brute, they feel, must bring victory. Mr O’Rourke, a floppy-haired 44-year-old who reminds fans of Robert Kennedy, sees a different opportunity. His campaign...Continue reading

Source: United States http://ift.tt/2vjEs5K

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