Why evangelicals love Donald Trump

MANY titles bestowed on Donald Trump—from president to commander-in-chief—are hard for non-supporters to digest. But the honorific that most puzzles the world, perhaps, is that bestowed by American conservatives who praise the swaggering, thrice-married tycoon as a man of God.

Expect that gulf of perception to grow still wider as Mr Trump embarks on his first presidential trip overseas on May 19th. Sceptics remember Candidate Trump stoking sectarian rage on the campaign trail. They remember a man who proposed a complete ban on Muslim arrivals and scorned Pope Francis as a Mexican “pawn” for questioning his immigration plans. Yet now White House aides call President Trump a leader bent on uniting the great faiths, who will bring a “message of tolerance and of hope to billions” during stops in Saudi Arabia, Israel and Rome.

Sceptics have long suspected that conservative Christians—and above all white evangelical Protestants, who are among his most loyal...Continue reading

Source: United States http://ift.tt/2qC0vmY

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