ON A recent evening Rob Quist ambled into a bar in Bozeman dressed in a Stetson and black jeans. He cleared his throat and recited a rhyme he had composed. “Montana…She’s slow to grant her favours to come-lately, newer faces./To long-time suitors, she reveals her hidden, secret places./She lives in big-time splendour; she’s the heart of the golden West./And all manner of wondrous creatures live and suckle at her breast.”
The occasion was not a beer-and-poetry night but a congressional campaign rally. On May 25th Mr Quist, a country-and-western singer and fourth-generation Montanan, will compete as a Democrat in a special election for Montana’s sole congressional seat, vacated when Representative Ryan Zinke was appointed secretary of the interior. Republicans have held the seat since 1996. But the polls, few as they are, suggest that Mr Quist is closing the gap with his opponent, businessman Greg Gianforte, a “newer...Continue reading
Source: United States http://ift.tt/2pQ7GKQ