How to fight guns and gangs in Chicago

“I AM sick of President Trump denigrating Chicago,” said Bill de Blasio, the mayor of New York, during a trip to the Windy City on March 3rd, lamenting Mr Trump’s “particularly painful stereotyping” of the place. In January Mr Trump tweeted that he would “send in the Feds!” if the city did not fix the horrible “carnage” of gun violence. In his recent speech to a joint session of Congress, Mr Trump said it was not acceptable that more than 4,000 people were shot in Chicago last year.

With 764 murders in 2016, more people were killed in Chicago, America’s third-largest city, than in its biggest city, New York (334), and its second-biggest, Los Angeles (294), combined (see chart). Three children were killed in four days in February. Sending in the Feds, whatever it means, may sound appealing, but it would be unlikely to help. Though Mr Trump said that “very top police” in Chicago had told him that the city’s crime problem could be stopped in a week with tougher tactics, there is no single explanation for the rise in violent crime. Nor is there any quick fix. Many of the reasons frequently discussed, such as...Continue reading

Source: United States

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