Conflicts of interest allegations may not damage Donald Trump

THE LIST of Donald Trump’s potential conflicts of interest is long. The president has sought to promote his daughter Ivanka’s clothing line using his official POTUS Twitter account. In January, the Trump Organisation doubled membership rates at Mar a Largo (otherwise known as the Winter White House), where the president played golf with Shinzo Abe, the Japanese prime minister, on February 11th. This week, it was reported that the National Confectioners Association, which is hoping for a rollback of government sugar subsidies, had booked venues at Trump Organisation hotels for a number of conferences. In an interview after the election Mr Trump said that, “I don’t care about my company… The only thing that matters to me is running our country.” Will the electorate care if his actions continue to suggest otherwise? Evidence around alleged corruption and political prospects suggests it may not.

Mr Trump has set up a trust for his business interests run by his son Donald Trump Jr. Critics are unassuaged: the trust’s tax ID number is the same as the president’s social security number and he can revoke it at any time. But while court challenges have begun, allegations...Continue reading

Source: United States

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