IT IS a testament to the profound abnormality of Donald Trump’s operation that, even as one outrageous headline follows another, it retains its power to shock. An example of this was contained in the lawsuit Melania Trump filed on February 6th against Mail Media, which operates the Daily Mail’s website.
The lawsuit, filed in a court in Manhattan, argues that some lurid and inaccurate allegations about the first lady, which were reported by the Daily Mail last August and later retracted, had cost her $150m in lost money-making opportunities.
Without referring explicitly Mrs Trump’s position as first lady, the lawsuit implied that that was the basis for the claim. It argued that Mrs Trump had “the unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity … to launch a broad-based commercial brand in multiple product categories, each of which could have garnered multi-million dollar business relationships for a multi-year term during which Plaintiff is one of the most photographed women in the world”.
Mrs Trump first began legal action against the Mail last September, when she sued the paper and a blogger in Maryland, Webster Tarpley,...Continue reading
Source: United States