H-1B visas do mainly go to Indian outsourcing firms

MOST of the debate about immigration in America concerns the illegal sort. But legal immigration can be controversial too, even when the migrants in question have either an unusual talent for writing computer code or improbably long legs. The H-1B visa programme is aimed at skilled workers in “speciality occupations”, mostly medicine and information technology (though fashion models can also qualify). Currently the programme is limited to 85,000 visas a year, with 20,000 carved out for those who earn postgraduate degrees from American universities. Most workers must make a minimum of $60,000 a year to qualify. Critics argue that the programme has strayed from its original purpose and is now being abused by firms to replace Americans with cheaper labour. Three bills to curtail H-1Bs have already been introduced to the new Congress. Reports suggest that an executive order may also be in the works.

Demand for the visas far exceeds the 85,000 cap, meaning that the government has to ration them to firms by lottery. Indian outsourcing firms like Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), which provides low-cost back-office services, are now the biggest employers...Continue reading

Source: United States http://ift.tt/2k7VgXb

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