100 years old and still eating chilli peppers

100 years old and still eating chilli peppers
I MAKE no apology for devoting today’s column to the consumption of chilli peppers, even though it was a total misconception that led me to find out the information I am about to divulge. Source: Daily Express :: Comment...

The woes of Windows 10

The woes of Windows 10
DESPITE its having been available for 18 months, three out of four PC owners have not bothered to upgrade their computers to the latest version of Microsoft's operating system, Windows 10. More than 700m of the world's...

Public wants vetting of immigrants in UK and US

Public wants vetting of immigrants in UK and US
TO HEAR the anti-Trump protesters you would think that the threat from radical Islam did not exist, that there have not been a series of murderous terrorist attacks in Tunisia, Paris, Brussels, Istanbul, Rouen, Nice and...