Carolina crossfire

Purple haze

“I LOOOOOVE Michelle,” proclaimed an African-American woman at a rally for Hillary Clinton in Charlotte on October 4th—stipulating those extra vowels as testament to her passion for the current first lady, the event’s star turn. The terms the attendees used to describe their feelings for the Democratic candidate herself were cooler: “like” and “support” cropped up more often than “love”. One man frankly admitted to voting for Mrs Clinton out of duty rather than devotion. Her biggest asset in crowds such as this, besides the backing of Michelle Obama and her husband, is fear of Donald Trump. “Let’s turn this mother out,” urged Alma Adams, a congresswoman, to a whoop.

Roughly a quarter of North Carolina’s electorate is black. In 2012 they voted at a higher rate than whites—a showing that could not prevent Mitt Romney narrowly winning back the state for the Republicans, after Barack Obama scraped it, even more narrowly, in 2008 (by a handful of votes per precinct, as Mrs Obama reminded her acolytes in Charlotte). This time, unless Mr Trump can emulate Mr Romney’s performance here, he will...Continue reading

Source: United States

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