AS A matter of logic, the front-runners seeking the Republican presidential nomination should have welcomed a petition calling for guns to be allowed at the party’s national convention, to be held in Cleveland, Ohio from July 18th-21st, which drew more than 50,000 signatures. After all, Donald Trump says that the terror attacks in Paris would have been “much different” if more French citizens had been armed, while Senator Ted Cruz of Texas has denounced “gun-free zones” that turn the unarmed into targets for “lunatics”. Oddly, both men deferred to the Secret Service, which said no guns. Others sighed with relief, for this year’s Republican National Convention may be a brawl.
That marks a break with recent history. The main task of a national convention is to pick a presidential candidate, a choice made by delegates representing different states and territories. This year there will be 2,472 delegates—local worthies selected at state conventions or by party committees. Most delegates are “bound” in the first ballot, meaning they are allocated to a candidate by the results of a primary, caucus or convention back home. At...Continue reading
Source: United States