Heard on the trail

Ladies’ night
“She gained a massive amount of weight and it was a real problem.”
Donald Trump fat-shames Miss Universe 1996. Fox and Friends, post-debate

A bad workman ...
“My microphone was terrible. I wonder, was it set up that way on purpose?”
Mr Trump explains his poor debate performance. Fox News

... blames his tools
“Anybody who complains about the microphone is not having a good night.”
Hillary Clinton responds

American History X
“I think even most eight-year-olds will tell you that whole slavery thing wasn’t very good for black people.”
Barack Obama takes issue with Mr Trump’s assertion that blacks have never been worse off. ABC News

Grumpy old men
“He’s up in years.”
Donald Rumsfeld, 84, judges former president George H.W. Bush, 92, on his rumoured support for Mrs Clinton. MSNBC

The enemy of my...Continue reading

Source: United States http://ift.tt/2dxejw8

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